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BCG x Investia: Strategy Night 2023

Date: November 16, 2023
Time: 19:00 – 22:00
Location: BCG Offices, Brussels
At the third edition of the Strategy Night, BCG consultants shared their expertise by presenting a case and providing insights on the application process. To cap off the night, we enjoyed a delicious dinner and drinks.

We want to thank our main partner Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and everyone who was present!

RSQ Investors x Investia Workshop 2024

Date: November 2, 2023
Time: 19:00 – 23:00
During this evening, we were introduces to RSQ Investors, the investment group from our partner BrightWolves. RSQ Investors recognizes the vital link between sustainability and finance, driving investments that prioritize both long-term returns and positive environmental impact.

Milan & Lago di Como weekend 2023

Start date: October 27, 2023
End date: October 30, 2023
Time: 17:00 – 10:00
Location: Milan, Italy
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Our annual weekend trip took us to Milan, where we reunited with one of our members currently on an Erasmus exchange.
The trip was packed with activities, from sightseeing the iconic Duomo di Milano to indulging in authentic Italian pizza and aperols at local spots. We explored vibrant neighborhoods and enjoyed the city’s rich culture.

We capped off the trip with a visit to the beautiful Lago di Como on Sunday, soaking in the warm autumn sun and scenic views.

Closing Dinner 2023

Date: June 9, 2023
Time: 19:00 – 23:00
We ended a fantastic year of Investia by coming together one last time at Guzzi, a famous pizza restaurant in Leuven. Looking back at splendid previous months, we are content of our evolution as an organization!

Summer Event 2022: BBQ & Padel

Date: August 20, 2022
All-day event
This summer, the Investia members joined to padel followed by a self-cooked BBQ. We enjoyed delicious food and drinks. It was a nice reunion as also a lot of alumni joined. Looking forward to the beginning of the semester!

BCG x Investia: Strategy Night 2022

Date: May 5, 2022
Time: 00:00 – 00:00
Location: BCG Offices, Brussels
We were invited to the BCG Brussels Office to get to know BCG, one of the world-leading Strategy Consulting firms. Together with some external high potentials, the Investia members did a challenging Crack-The-Case Workshop guided by BCG consultants. This was followed by a networking dinner in a great restaurant where the consultants told with a lot of passion about their job and lives. It was a fun night and an ideal opportunity to get to know BCG in an informal setting.


Investing in a post-pandemic world

Date: March 22, 2022
Time: 00:00
Location: Aula Michotte Leuven
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We are delighted to welcome Jérôme van der Bruggen, Head of investments at Degroof Petercam, to tell us more about the topic: ‘Investing in a post-pandemic world’. After the lecture, we would like to invite you to a networking session where we can connect with each other over a drink. The lecture and networking session will take place in the center of Leuven at Aula Michotte on Tuesday, March 22 at 19h30. Please make sure to be there at 19h.
If you want to join our lecture evening, please fill out this form to confirm your attendance.
As places are limited, please send an e-mail to info@investialeuven.be if you will not be able to attend the event anymore.

BCG x Investia: Networking Dinner 2021

Date: November 4, 2021
Time: 00:00 – 00:00
Location: Leuven
Investia hosted its first networking dinner with its partner BCG Brussels. The members invited plus ones and it became an interesting night with good food and drinks. It was an incredible opportunity for the guests to get to know BCG and vice versa.

Milan Weekend 2021

Start date: October 22, 2021
End date: October 25, 2021
Time: 00:00 – 00:00
Location: Milan
Our members went to Milan for an amazing three days as a team building in the first semester. We visited the city, posing in front of the well-known Duomo, ate a loads of pizza and enjoyed good parties. The trip was an amazing experience for everyone and strengthened the friendships even more. We are looking forward to the next!

London Trip: Collaboration with WFS

Start date: February 10, 2020
End date: February 12, 2020
Time: 00:00 – 00:00

Seven Investia members attended the Fintech Conference hosted by Warwick Finance Societies , organised in The Shard in London. Investia was afterwards invited for a conference in Warwick together with the WFS members where members of Investia gave presentations on Private Equity, Quantitative Investing and CLOs.

Want to become part of this fun group? 



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