Are you interested in finance and want to gain hands-on experience in investing and making extensive valuations? Do you want to extend your professional network and make lifelong friendships? Are you ready to take on a new extracurricular challenge?
Don’t hesitate, apply at our next application round and become a part of our incredible organization!
Application procedure
The procedure consists of three rounds during in which personal fit, motivation, financial knowledge and analytical reasoning will be assessed. Do note that our expectations vary depending on the background of the applicant, as we encourage students from all degrees and ages to apply.
Submit your basic information, plus your CV and motivation letter before the application deadline online. Respect this deadline as this is considered very strictly. Please make sure to mention your grades on your CV.
An interview with all our members, during which a short stock pitch is expected in the form of a SWOT analysis. Your specific stock will be communicated beforehand to prepare for this. After your presentation, we ask personal-fit questions and financial questions.
The third round is the alumni call, where we seek the insights of our most experienced members and founders. Their perspective is invaluable to us, as we deeply respect the legacy and unique vision they helped build within our organization.
What are we looking for in an applicant?
Investia is always on the lookout for students who show a lot of interest, ambition and potential to ensure the professional and successful management of the Investia fund.
Interest in finance is as important as dedication for our society. Therefore we are looking for people who take initiative and are willing to work on the continuous improvement of our organisation.
We cannot stress enough that Investia does not have any criteria concerning the field of study an applicant should be enrolled in. Diversification is as important in our society as it is in our portfolio.
Be sure to read our six core values, in order to have a clear view of our organization’s beliefs.
Our Next Application Round
Applications are open!
Our next applications deadline is on Saturday22th of February 2025 – 23h59.
We look forward to welcoming you to Investia!
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