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    Why should you apply?

    Are you interested in finance and want to gain hands-on experience in investing and making extensive valuations? Do you want to extend your professional network and make lifelong friendships? Are you ready to take on a new extracurricular challenge?

    Don’t hesitate, apply at our next application session and become a part of our team!

    Application procedure

    The application process consists of three rounds, during which we assess personal fit, motivation, financial knowledge, and analytical reasoning. Our expectations vary based on the applicant’s background, as we encourage students from all degrees and years to apply. You will be paired with a buddy, one of Investia’s members, who will guide you through the application process after the first round to ensure you have all the necessary information and preparation.

    1. Submit your CV and motivation letter as the first round of the application process.
    2. Onsite Interview (20-30 minutes) Meet with all active members in Leuven during your interview. You will start by presenting a basic SWOT analysis of a given stock and providing your investment advice. The second part of the interview includes questions about personal fit, motivation, interests, financial knowledge, market insights, and other brainteasers. Our goal is to understand you better as an individual and form a clear and honest impression of who you are. Don’t hesitate to speak up and showcase your full personality and ambitions, we highly value transparency in your interview.
    3. Alumni Call (20-30 minutes) Speak with one of our alumni who will ask about your past experiences and ambitions for Investia. They will assess how well your goals align with our values. This step is essential to ensure our organization is led by the right individuals and continues to improve in the right direction.

    What are we looking for in an applicant?

    Investia is seeking prospective students who have broad interests, a strong drive and ambition, strive for excellence, and show potential to ensure the professional and successful management of the Investia fund.

    Interest in finance is as important as dedication to our society. Therefore, we seek individuals who are proactive and eager to collaborate on their own continuous improvement as well as the advancement of our organization.

    We cannot emphasize enough that Investia has no specific criteria regarding an applicant’s field of study. Diversification is as crucial in our community as it is in your portfolio.


    Our next applications take place in October 2024.

    Subscribe to our newsletter and we will keep you up to date regarding future events & application periods.

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