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    Investia Leuven

    Investia is a student investment association committed to providing ambitious students who are eager to set their first steps in the wondrous world of investing with the right tools to do so.

    APPLYDiscover the team
    What is


    Investia provides ambitious students the opportunity to co-manage an investment fund.
    At Investia, our mission is to empower students who are eager to further develop their financial competence. We create an open environment in which all members are strongly encouraged to share and expand their investment skills through active portfolio management.
    Together, we enable the forthcoming generation of investors to achieve more.

    How do we


    Investia makes use of a highly quantitative approach in its investment process. Through our own stock screener, we select relevant targets within a certain (sub)industry. Afterwards, targets are further analysed, making use of valuation methods including extensive discounted cash flow models, multiple analysis and several other parameters and ratios linked to the vision of the Investia Fund. Once in the portfolio, an asset is periodically reviewed.

    How do we


    All Investia members gather on a weekly basis. At the beginning of the meeting, our Vice President and Treasurer give an update on recent macroeconomic and geopolitical events and on the performance of our portfolio.
    The session continues with an industry pitch and multiple equity pitches, which focus on both the qualitative as well as the quantitative part of a company.

    The weekly meeting is concluded by a profound debate on the presented equities and a democratic vote which leads to the decision whether to invest or not.

    Eager to boost your financial knowledge?


    Our key values?



    One of the most interesting aspects of an investment association is the never-ending ability to learn things from one another. We, as an association select our members to guarantee an open environment in which every member is strongly encouraged to share his knowledge and passion for investing. Previous investing experience is thus a valuable asset but not a requirement for applicants.



    The strongest foundation for satisfying results is a likeminded team with a common goal. Therefore, a member of Investia distinguishes itself by breathing a devoted commitment to the association complemented with a never-ending strive to expand his/her financial toolset. Demanding the exact same thing from every single colleague establishes a thriving culture of shared responsibility.



    As an association, we see it as our duty to guarantee complete transparency to our members. This implicates a couple of things: Every member can check on any moment what the current value of the fund is. Every decision of the board will be thoroughly motivated, every member has the right to demand an explanation if he believes that the provided motivation is not satisfactory.


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